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Monday, April 21, 2008

MoRe uPdaTes..

(1) 8th MoNth..

Rushed everywhere for appointments till late in the evening.. Met dear at Dover station & headed for Dempsey Hill.. We were thinking to ourselves - *since we had the car, why not go to somewhere more inaccessible?*

Made plans to go Dome for dinner. and we ate so much till our stomach bloated hehe =) Take a look at the pics to see what we ate..

Yummy Food..

Me & darling..

Nerdy Nette in Dear's oldman glasses..

The amount we spent isn't too ex i hope.. I scared I burnt a hole in my dear's pocket.. He is a qiong2 shu1 sheng1.. Happy 8th month darling.. Love you always..

(2) GraDuaTion CeRemONy..

My graduation ceremony was held on 4th April 2008, last session of a total of 3 sessions. Dear, mummy and sister turned up for this special day of mine.. Long and draggy session where names are called out one by one to go up to the stage.. Business cohort is the largest cohort of all and hence its so long..

Taken quite alot of pics.. Friends, Family, Dear..

My Friends

My Family

My Dear

Look at 2 imposters.. haha.. Surprise pics hehe for entertainment..

That's all for this entry.. Anyway I have gotten my psp le.. But i feel so cheated.. At first the person say $354 inclusive of a package and now it only include screen protector and crystal case other than my console. Its so pinky and nice.. I love it.. Post a picture of it the next entry..

**ps note: **

friends, relatives in the midst of exams or are taking their exams soon, pls study and work hard.. all the best and dun fall sick.. take care of ur health..

darling, pls dun be too stress and study hard.. just try ur best k?? anytime can just give me a call. dun fall sick, drink more water and take care.. Give you a surprise after ur exams.. muacks =)

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Air Show 2008

Air Show 2008!! Decided to go even though there was a large crowd.. Dinnoe my relative had free trade show tickets, if not i wld have gone on a different day.. Now I missed my Airbus 380 tour as there are limited vacancies.. I find some of the pic so blur.. Maybe bcos its taken on a hp, lower resolution..

The weather was very sunny & hot.. It feels terrible standing in the glaring sun looking up into the sky to see the different planes doing stunts.. But nevertheless it was a good airshow and its quite worth it.. I definitely enjoyed myself..

The Airbus 380..

Different Stunts :

Me & Darling.. Pic so blur.. eeee..

So boring now.. Starting my new job on monday.. Hope everything goes well.. Yeah! My first perm job.. Let's see how far I could excel to.. Cya & stay tune for my next entry on my graduation held yest.. Take care..

Saturday, March 08, 2008

MaNy EveNTs & uPdAteS..

(1) Valentine's Day !!

Valentine's Day this year is a very special day for me. The 1st time i spend it with my dear. YES!! I enjoyed myself alot.. Received so many gifts from him, ranges from chocolates to flowers to present & cards.. So touched.. Thank you darling.. Had a yummy dinner at Pasta de Waraku at Square 2..

Yummy Oreo Desert.. Cheers.

2 Pastas & 2 Side-Dish..

My vday Gift for darling..

One of my vday Gift from darling..

Me & Dear at Waraku..

Me & my flower.. It looks nice right??

(2) Air Show 2008

I will update it separately in the next entry when i get the photos and uploaded it..

(3) IT Show 2008

Went on fri and today.. So squeezy and crowded till i was injured.. hands & legs got scratches also.. Managed to buy my laptop, a long long wait till today. Wanted a laptop of my own for so long le.. Time to get rid of my old old desktop le.

Help my cousin to buy an external portable harddisk.. Help my colleague & yan to buy thumbdrives & keyboard.. Yeppie.. My sis bought her favourite Sony Vaio too. We spend so much today.. time to recuperate back.. hehe =)

Ok time to go to bed.. standing the whole day is so tiring.. Goodnight See ya..

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Finally waited for such a long time and got a chance to go to Bangkok.. Well I am back in Singapore already.. Bought so many things from there for myself, dear and souvenirs for colleagues n frens.. Nice place for shopping.. So many wholesale products & varieties to choose from.. Managed to get myself CNY clothes and shoes.. Yippee!!Should have changed more money cos i spent finish all by the 3rd day le.. =)

Thursday, January 03, 2008

ParT III - 7 December - A DaY aT TerMinAL 3..

This is my 1st entry of the year.. Let the pictures narrate my journey in terminal 3..

After buying the tickets without the guided tour, we headed for the departure gates.. Enter the checkpoint and walked into the waiting area.. See what we saw?? The chair is sticked with a paper with words reading: "Under the property of CAAS; Please do not remove; FINE $1,000.. haha.. The price you have to pay if u decide to open the wrapper of the chair.. So there was no place for us to sit except the carpeted ground..

Under than sitting, of cos we could stand.. Hungry!! It's burger time with yummy double-cheese burger.. Look at dear, staring into the sky while eating and anxiously waiting for A380 to land.. But since I was holding on to the cam i decided to take a pic of us..

Look at the aerobridge below.. Looks quite class hehe.. And the empty transit area where passengers can rest while waiting for the next flight.. i was there resting too though i wasn't gg anywhere..

Stepping out of that area, we went somewhere near the toilet.. Mr Woo, the driver of the management, doing his duty and patrolling the area.. oops!! See the toilet so nice right?? But this is the ladies cos i can't get into the men's.. isn't that obvious!! haha.. Followed by the internet area.. Guess what he is typing??

Then, down to the arrival hall le.. where there is the immigration counters.. New device where we can scan our passports and go.. Now its in use in terminal 1 and 2 too..

Finally, its time to collect the lugguage le.. my berth number is 48 haha =) Me and dear come back from a short tour.. Through the customs where we either have goods to declare or nothing to declare.. Being a good citizen, of cos we got nothing to declare haha.. This end the journey in terminal 3..

Enjoyed ur trip with us while reading?? Hope so.. Less than 2 weeks and i will head for the airport too.. Yeppie here i go to bangkok, 4 days 3 nights.. My dear, dun miss me too much ok haha =).. Ok that's all for now.. bye bye.. anything u guys wan just sms me ba..

Monday, December 31, 2007

LaSt EntrY of The YeaR..

Finally, its the day my dear come back from Europe.. Long awaited day for me definitely.. Hippie Hurray!! This year has been a rather good year for me, with more friends and my love.. I receive good news from my colleague too.. She accepted her bf's proposal.. Wishing you happiness Jenny..

My new year resolution 2008 will be:

1) To find a job asap hopefully in a foreign bank..

2) Less quarrels & unhappiness with dear, Try to make dear happie alwaes & of cos myself too..

3) Try to meet up with my friends, colleagues when possible after i leave the office etc..

4) Save more money & spend wisely for my future car & driving lessons haha..

5) Health for each & everyone especially my family, relatives, grandparents and dear's family..

6) Exercise more and stop accumulating fats oops!!

Temporarily its like tat but i will add more if i can tink of it. Happy New Year everyone.. Have a blessed smooth year ahead.. Jiayou in whatever you pple are doing.. Take care. For my dearest friends, pls continue to study hard & produce good results..

*ps note for dear: Thanks for showering me with your love and taking care of me. Really glad to have you by my side from the day we were together.. I love you dear. Hugs & Kisses !!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

PaRt II - 29 October - DeAr DeAr's Birthday !!!

He was forced to blog about his bdae by me oops!! n so now its my turn to force myself.. Started to plan for his bdae almost 2 months in advance bcos need to find a nice ambience place to eat dinner & its the 1st time i m celebrating his bdae with him.. Dear's present is another problem as he dun wan anything or the things he wanted are too expensive for me to afford or he dun wan me to get such an expensive gift for him.. Headache!!!

Well, after much effort we decided on having dinner at Grand Corpthorne Hotel since they are having the UOB one-for-one promotion.. But b4 this is lunch with his parents which is Japanese Cuisine at IRAS..

Lunch having Japanese Cuisine.

Sad news!!! Dear had classes that day so he went for classes while he send me & his mum for shopping at orchard.. Rushed back to sch to meet him for dinner.. Headed for Grand Corpthorne Hotel but got lost near Great World City haha=) After driving for another rd, we finally found the place..

Here we are at Grand Corpthorne Hotel..

Take a look at the food.. Its yummy!! They have quite a few varieties and we just ate till we were so full to even walk.. Hehe..

Partial food area & dessert area.. Looks good??

Some food we took..

Our favourite food!! Dear's fav cheezy potato with mushrooms & my fav deep-fried rounded potato arranged into a flower..

Dear & Myself.. one enjoying the food, the other too full to continue eating..

But before we left and settle the bill, took some pics together for memories.. Francis house after this at 9 plus n passing dear his bdae presents just before i went back home.. So what did i give him?? A Braun Buffel wallet, 2 photos in handmade photo-frames & my specially baked cookies in a heart-shaped container.. Should have taken a pic but din tot abt it tat time..Anyway i still want to thank his dad for letting him use the car the whole day..

Me & Dear at Grand Corpthorne Hotel celebrating his 22nd birthday..

ok its time to stop as u guys must be sianz of me blogging my love life haha.. oops!! Anyway my dear will be back in less than 2 days.. Waited so long for this day to come!! I just feeling so happie.. Next entry will be on 31st dec which will be the last entry for the year le.. My new year resolutions 2008!!! Then, it will be part 3 - A Day at Terminal 3..

Good night!! Time to slp n watch my dvd..