its the start of the new year.. as usual i went for bbq at aunt's hse n den to Esplanade to watch the fireworks and for the countdown of cos.. A 15 mins long fireworks which certainly shut my mouth up bcos of the thought :"WOW!!!, so impressive!!" more and more different patterns n colours added on each yr which simply brightens up the nite.. thats 1 reason y i alwaes make an effort to squeeze there even though its hot n stuffy.. The sensation of fireworks just above u n falling down so near u its much more than wat words can actually express.
me & yan took a snap shot b4 catching up with the rest =)
cheers!! and lets welcome year 2006 together ba.. so who's is who's hand den?? pple there shown below..
here's a grp pic taken.. ( L to R ) : yan, weijie, me, ken & boon.. k roughly above is a short summary.. New year resolutions 2006 : do well in studies and study hard, health grant to my grandparents n parents, get attached soon, continue the great frenship i m having with my clique.. ko soon le after squeezing at the mrt to get hm.. terrible time to get hm, still must walk back from kovan station cos no more bus le.. tats all pple... take care *hugz*